Monday, May 01, 2006


Why a blog? Cause it seemed like a good idea at the time. Which is shortly after 5am on a Monday morning, after a 6 hour (and counting) session of online poker. For anyone who cares, I am up $65.25 for the night. Anyhow, I've been reading a lot of poker blogs lately, and I figured I'd throw mine out there and see if it floats. At the very least it will be a good way for me to record wins and losses along the way. I'll sprinkle in some thoughts on music, marriage, people I know, and whatever else comes into mind.

So yeah, it's 5am, and many of you (or not many as I really don't expect anyone to be reading this) may wonder what I am doing playing poker all night long. I work a lot of nights, and my internal clock is so screwed up I don't know when it's time to sleep. So I play a lot of poker... it beats late night television. I play on I've had a pretty good run of it so far online, though 2 weeks ago I did lose almost my entire bankroll in just a few short days. I was approaching the $2000 mark, playing above my bankroll at 1/2 NL. Then the inevitable streak of cold cards came.... not even cold cards, because I can handle that. It's the streak of second-best hands that do you in every time. And after a while, I tried to win it all back at once (aka tilting) and before you know it, I'm down to $500 in my account. Fun. I took a week off or so, got myself back in the right frame of mind, dusted off Super System, Harrington on Hold'Em, and went at it again. So far so good, I have the bankroll back close to $1200, and that's where we stand at the moment.

This past weekend Jazzfest kicked off in New Orleans, and I should be there. My wife and I had planned on going again this year before Katrina hit. For obvious reasons we decided to cancel our reservations, but I am regretting it. New Orleans needs us there now more than ever. The resiliency of that city and their citizens is amazing. I love that place.


Blogger Pauly said...

Good luck with your blog. I really wanted to go to Jazzfest too, but my schedule wouldn't let me.

9:22 AM  

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